Following a successful launch of "Binghatti Skyrise" in Dubai, which witnessed an extraordinary 50% of units sold on its first...
In a significant step toward expanding into international markets, the "Egyptian Swiss" Group for pasta, flour, and concentrates is participating...
Egypt Gulf has launched its first promotional event for the upcoming Future Real Estate Expo in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, scheduled...
OPPO is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration with the highly anticipated movie, Venom: The Last Dance, which hits theaters...
The British Council Egypt recently hosted its 10th annual Principals’ Forum 2024, gathering over 400 school leaders from across its...
ALEXBANK has announced the official appointment of Mr. Paolo Vivona as Executive Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive...
B.Chef Real Estate Investment and Marketing Company has announced the signing of a cooperation protocol with Egy Holding Group. This...
Magnom Properties has revealed ongoing negotiations to acquire four land parcels totaling 80,000 square meters in Saudi Arabia and the...
Dubai, UAE (October 31, 2024) – The launch of Binghatti Skyrise has redefined Dubai’s real estate market standards, with half...
Veel Investments has officially launched its operations in Egypt’s real estate market, with a goal to exceed EGP 1bn in...
جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة لمنصة الملخص الاقتصادي – تطوير khaled nuor